Thursday, 10 December 2015

Stadium 4.2.2708.5962 is available

Stadium 4.2.2708.5962 is available for download from the Twenty57 website.
  • You can now set Visibility on a Details View Textbox, Date and Checkbox fields using the Specify Visibility Condition. This works in the same way as it currently works on a Drop Down field. Read more about it here
  • Fix: It is again possible to install only the designer on a PC which does not have IIS enabled
  • Fix: Ensure buttons, links  and datagrid column links on pages that contain an upload file control show the busy icon when clicked, to prevent multiple clicks

Thanks to Lu for the development work

Wednesday, 2 December 2015

Stadium 5.2.1426.3566 is available

Stadium 5.2.1426.3566 is available, head over to the Stadium website to download it and get started!

There have been a lot of back-end changes to how Stadium 5 works. We've tried to make the upgrade from earlier versions as smooth as possible but some things might still go wrong. If you have problems upgrading your version or opening existing files please let me know. We'll do our best to solve the issue.

Here's what is new in this build
  • Improved Designer performance - opening, saving and working with SAPZ Files
  • Simplified install
  • Default locations to save sapz files and the generated web apps changed to minimise issues with security permissions on Program Files
  • We've removed the Stadium server (localhost\Stadium5). A redesigned interface to manage applications and securities will be implemented in the future
  • New Controls - Image, Radio Button List, Checkbox List and Checkbox
  • New properties on Form Controls - Label, Label Position, Read-Only and Visible
  • New Action - For Each
    • Use it to loop through the selected options from a Checkbox List
  • Events have moved off the controls and onto the page in a separate window. This will allow us to add other event types more easily
  • Support for Oracle connections and text queries - no stored procedures and packages support yet
  • Only prompt you to save the file if there have been changes
  • Stadium Header and logo removed from the uploaded applications - add in your own
  • Application Title property has been removed and page title is defaulted to the page name and displayed on the tab
  • Prevent you from opening a file in an earlier version of Stadium than it was last edited in
  • Fix: Application upload works when using IIS Express
  • Fix: Grid wrap with long values
  • Fix: Attempt to load as much information in a corrupted file rather than stopping it from opening all together
  • Fix: Allow Double Quotes and apostrophes to be passed from constants into scripts

Wednesday, 11 November 2015

Stadium 4.1.2693.5928 is available for download

Stadium 4.1.2693.5928 is available for download from the Twenty57 website. Here's what to expect
  • New Default property on the Checkbox List control AllOptionsDefaultState. It's value is set to False which means none of the options will be selected when the control renders. If you make it True, then ALL of the options will be selected
  • Stadium installs on Windows 10/IIS 11 successfully
  • More readable messages when an error occurs during install and if the install fails you can select to view the log file directly from the msi. All install information is logged there to help investigate what when wrong
  • You can now connect to a DB2 database from Stadium - see this Zendesk Knowledge Base article for more details
  • Read-only textbox Fields in an Editable Details View are now applying the specified data format correctly
  • Image Crop error with IE10 is fixed
  • Details View Drop down changed event not firing when clicking to another tab and back has been fixed
Thanks to Lu and Ryan for the dev work

Friday, 26 June 2015

Stadium 4.1.2676.5888

Stadium 4.1.2676.5888 is available for download from the Twenty57 site.

It contains 1 bug fix and one enhancement, both related to the new Select All Check box on Data Grid Checkbox Columns.
  • Select All checkbox now works correctly when you refresh the grid with a value from a data input
  • The Select All Checkbox is now optional
    • You can enable it for all grids in the Application by setting the DisplaySelectAllCheckbox property in the Global Appearances> Data Grid to True. The default value is false
    • You can enable it for an individual column by setting the DisplaySelectAllCheckbox property in the DataGrid> Checkbox Column. The Default it blank which means it reads from the Global Setting. It accepts True, False and Property Source as inputs

Monday, 25 May 2015

Stadium 4. 1.2673.5882 is available

You can download it from the Twenty57 website. Thank you to Ryan for all the dev work

  • Navigate to other sap file from the Navigate to Page action - read this Zendesk KB article for details on how to do it
  • Set a Session parameter on menu navigation. This should be particularly useful for setting source SAP and Page names when navigating to another SAP File - read more here
  • New System Variable - CurrentApplicationName
  • Validations can now be added to Data Input Fields and linked to any button on the page for execution - more details here
  • Data Input Drop Down Field has  new properties IsRequired and IsRequiredInitialValue - these work the same way as the IsRequired properties on the DetailsView control. See more info here
  • Select All option on Checkbox columns in a Data Grid
  • Read only value now honoured on a Checkbox Field in a Details View in Insert Mode
  • Stadium 4 now supports calling and executing a Linx 5 process - read more on calling Linx from Stadium here
  • Better management of roles and access rights when an application is uploaded or the roles are edited - the roles and access rights only change if they are directly edited, not every time the Application is uploaded or saved as was previously happening
Bug Fixes
  • User Last Logged In Date not working with Windows Authentication
  • Site Admin Roles hidden on the Edit User screen if no Global Application Access Roles were configured
  • Drop down change event not always firing - JavaScript error
  • JavaScript undefined error on combo boxes
  • Fading label changing the position of the other controls on the page when it fades completely
* This release requires a file update. Please open your SAP Files in the designer, hit Save and then refresh them on the server*

Tuesday, 19 May 2015

Stadium 5.2.1262.3088 released

If you already have Stadium 5 installed the Designer will prompt you to install it next time you open it. Otherwise head over to the Stadium Website and get going!

The big changes are all in the background, so as a user you won't see many differences, but we've laid the ground work for Undo, a more responsive designer, and adding in cool new controls and actions.

Here is a list of what you will see
  • Easier to Upload and Browse your Application - more prominent button and clearer wording
  • Tool tips on the various properties
  • Clearer options on the Upload File control
  • Decision shows you what your conditions are on the canvas
  • Better handling of potential IIS Directory name clashes - We now give each file a unique GUID so we can track it properly and know whether we created it or not
  • Copy and Paste between pages works more smoothly
Expect more regular updates and releases going forward. So get building and let us know what you think, and what control or action you really want.

Monday, 23 March 2015

Stadium 4.1.2654.5835 is available

Stadium 4.1.2654.5835 is available and can be downloaded from the Twenty57 website. It has a number of improvements and the big item, you can now navigate between SAP files using the menu control. Many thanks to Ryan for all the dev work.

Note: You will need to update all SAP Files by opening them in the designer and saving them

New Features

  • Merge includes Global Appearance
  • Merge results can now be copied to the clipboard
  • Refresh Controls Action - the controls can now be sorted A-Z
  • Refresh Controls Action - you can select multiple controls at once using ctrl+click and shift+click
  • Create Role on Application - Select all option to check all the access rights in one go
  • Ok Click on Add Role will save it automatically, not only when you click Save on the Application
  • Display Message Box -  new Title Property. Can be set using the standard options. If there is a default Stadium title (like Warning) it will overwrite any custom title
  • Export to CSV -  Remove Formatting from numbers
  •  SQL Test Query in the Designer no longer requires an explicit declare of output variables, it is done implicitly when you test the query
  • Image Viewer - work done to prevent it locking the file while it is being viewed

Navigate between SAP Files and Global Application Roles

  • You can navigate to a different SAP File from the Menu Control in one SAP File (see here for details on how it works)
    • Add a menu item
    • Select OtherSAP as the Navigation Type
    • Specify the Application Name, page name and any parameters. You need to map all of these exactly
  • Session Parameters now work between SAP File (see thisZendesk KB article for details)
    • There is a new property on a session parameter - ShareSessionParameter, Default Value is False
    • To share a session parameter between multiple SAPs set up a session parameter with exactly the same name in all the SAPs and set this value to True
    • When the value is set for the Session Parameter in one SAP File, it will automatically have that value in all SAP Files where the session parameter name is the same AND Share is set to True
  • Stadium now supports Global Application Roles (see here for details)
    • New Admin function - Manage Global Application Roles
    • Allows you to set up roles which span all loaded applications
    • Users can then be assigned to this global role
    • The Application page will also show you which global role the application is part of and allow you to edit the global role directly

Wednesday, 28 January 2015

Stadium 4.1.2634.5789 is available

It can be downloaded from the Twenty57 website. It contains 2 features and 1 fix
  • Editable Date Column in a DataGrid is now persisted correctly in a Link click event
  • Link Column data can now be formatted (like a text column can)
  • Label New property: FadeDuration. The default value is 0 which means it never fades (works like it always has). Takes a value in seconds which is the time taken for the label to fade from fully visible to invisible. This allows you to show a short message to the user that is only visible and taking up space on the screen for a limited period. Can be used instead of a message box to give a 'Save Successful' message for example
Thank you, as always,  to Ryan for the dev work.

Friday, 9 January 2015

Stadium 4.1.2630.5781 is available

Stadium 4.1.2630.5781 can be downloaded from the Twenty57 website. It contains 3 bug fixes and a couple of small features
  • The User's last logged in date and time is  displayed on the Manage Users Screen
  • The User table can now be sorted by any of the columns. This allows you to quickly see which users haven't logged in recently
  • The Add Role pop-up size on the Edit Application page has been increased to make it easier to work with
  • Panel Background colour no longer being lost on a partial page postback
  • Panel Background colour displaying correctly for non web standard colours
  • Upload File Control error: File not Found, when the Upload file control is inside a panel which is refreshed has been fixed. If your panel is not being refreshed or your Upload File Control is not inside a panel, you won't get this error
Thank you to Ryan for the dev work