Monday, 25 May 2015

Stadium 4. 1.2673.5882 is available

You can download it from the Twenty57 website. Thank you to Ryan for all the dev work

  • Navigate to other sap file from the Navigate to Page action - read this Zendesk KB article for details on how to do it
  • Set a Session parameter on menu navigation. This should be particularly useful for setting source SAP and Page names when navigating to another SAP File - read more here
  • New System Variable - CurrentApplicationName
  • Validations can now be added to Data Input Fields and linked to any button on the page for execution - more details here
  • Data Input Drop Down Field has  new properties IsRequired and IsRequiredInitialValue - these work the same way as the IsRequired properties on the DetailsView control. See more info here
  • Select All option on Checkbox columns in a Data Grid
  • Read only value now honoured on a Checkbox Field in a Details View in Insert Mode
  • Stadium 4 now supports calling and executing a Linx 5 process - read more on calling Linx from Stadium here
  • Better management of roles and access rights when an application is uploaded or the roles are edited - the roles and access rights only change if they are directly edited, not every time the Application is uploaded or saved as was previously happening
Bug Fixes
  • User Last Logged In Date not working with Windows Authentication
  • Site Admin Roles hidden on the Edit User screen if no Global Application Access Roles were configured
  • Drop down change event not always firing - JavaScript error
  • JavaScript undefined error on combo boxes
  • Fading label changing the position of the other controls on the page when it fades completely
* This release requires a file update. Please open your SAP Files in the designer, hit Save and then refresh them on the server*

Tuesday, 19 May 2015

Stadium 5.2.1262.3088 released

If you already have Stadium 5 installed the Designer will prompt you to install it next time you open it. Otherwise head over to the Stadium Website and get going!

The big changes are all in the background, so as a user you won't see many differences, but we've laid the ground work for Undo, a more responsive designer, and adding in cool new controls and actions.

Here is a list of what you will see
  • Easier to Upload and Browse your Application - more prominent button and clearer wording
  • Tool tips on the various properties
  • Clearer options on the Upload File control
  • Decision shows you what your conditions are on the canvas
  • Better handling of potential IIS Directory name clashes - We now give each file a unique GUID so we can track it properly and know whether we created it or not
  • Copy and Paste between pages works more smoothly
Expect more regular updates and releases going forward. So get building and let us know what you think, and what control or action you really want.