Wednesday, 31 January 2018

Stadium 5.9.2074.6587 is now available

In this release, we redesigned the entire Event Framework from scratch! This new, greatly enhanced, more powerful and easy to use Event Framework gives you the freedom you need to design highly interactive applications, making your users' experience so much better. Please give it a test run and let me know what you think!

The important new features I want to draw your attention to are:
  • Events

    A powerful event framework allowing designers to greatly enhance the interactivity and user experience of their applications. PageLoad and OnChange were added as two new events with more to come in the future!
  • List controls now use JSON formatted data

    DropDown, RadioButtonList and CheckBoxList now use JSON formatted data when specifying static options. By doing this, options can now be re-used simply by reading them from a Static Data file or copy pasting them from one control to another.
  • Static Data

    Include files & images as static data into your Stadium application and use them on certain controls and actions.
  • Selectable Rows in a DataGrid

    The DataGrid now has an optional checkbox column allowing the user to select one or more of the rows inside of the DataGrid. The application designer can then iterate through the selected rows using a ForEach action in a script.
  • Get or set the search term of the DataGrid

    Being able to get or set the searchterm is very useful when navigating away or back to a page where the DataGrid should remember the user's previous search.

Other features and bug fixes we worked on can be seen below.


  • Database column type, HierachyId, is now supported
  • Expanding the DropDown on the canvas should also select the control
  • In the generated application, do not allow the current user to be deselected as Administrator
  • Add messages to empty tables in the Admin site
  • On the canvas, indicate invisible columns by displaying their text as light gray
  • Prevent possible security attacks on the generated application(i.e. Clickjacking, XSS)
  • Infer types assigned to properties
  • Allow selecting Connectors as Value for the SetValue action
  • Allow assigning references to the Message property of the Notification Action
  • Improve the performance of the Gallery Editor
  • Allow get and set for the Options property on list controls via scripts
  • Do not delete actions inside of the current Button paths when changing the Buttons of a DisplayMessageBox
  • Changes around setting and deleting of the Application Start Page
  • Toastr error messages thrown by Stadium should be explicitly dismissed by the user
  • Database connection validation not disappearing after correcting it
  • Remove the option to assign Control properties to the NavigateToPage.Destination property
  • Use the ~ to represent the script in a reference breadcrumb
  • The Tables & Views pane of a query should be open by default
  • Rename DataSources to Connectors
  • ConnectionString editor loses focus when testing a connection
  • Add a '+' icon to DataSource node in the App Explorer to add new queries
  • Rename the ForEach loop variable
  • Provide an indication to the user when there are script errors

Bug Fixes

  • Connecting to SQL Server via ODBC fails
  • InstallTools folder should not be installed when installing Stadium
  • Copying a page does not restore references to corresponding controls
  • Adding a LayoutTable to the page causes an ObjectReference error
  • CallScript action used in an EventHandler causes ObjectReference error on Generation
  • Gallery gets hidden behind Main Window of Designer when adding new images
  • After the FormWizard exits, the focus in the App Explorer should be on the newly added page
  • Right clicking on the tab of a canvas, closes the canvas
  • Validation issues on Page Parameter, Script Input Parameter and Script Output Parameter editors
  • Hover and selection issues of controls inside of a LayoutGrid
  • DataGrid alignment is off on the page canvas
  • Deleting a folder should close any open tabs of deleted items
  • Designer Window/Pane Layout does not persist unless application is saved
  • Changing access requires the affected user to log out and log back in again before it takes effect
  • Uninstall completes but does not remove Stadium
  • Double clicking an image in the Image Gallery does not select and assign it to the Image Control
  • The ReferenceComboBox does not persist changes on blur
  • Strange behaviour during setting the data of a DataGrid using SetValue
  • An ExecuteSqlCommmand action using session variables as parameters inside of an event script on a template causes a generation exception
  • All panes except the Toolbox freeze up if the Toolbox is clicked while a context menu is open
  • Ordering of pages is incorrect when renaming a page
  • The icon next to the 'New Query' item in the Database context menu is missing
  • When generation fails, the failed build overwrites the working website
  • An @ symbol in an Expression causes a script error
  • Copying Container controls containing other Container controls causes naming issues
  • EventHandler "Copy to script" functionality causes errors when saving the application

Monday, 29 January 2018

Stadium 4.2.2838.6169 is now available

Stadium 4.2.2838.6169 is available for download from the Twenty57 website. It contains the following bug fixes:
  • Filter is Executing DataGrid Query prior to apply (#3014)