Tuesday 13 May 2014

Using the Check box list in a Data Grid

In Stadium 4.1.2540.5563 we included a Check box list as a new column type in the Data Grid. Here is short guide to setting it up and using it. A very big thank to Natasha Budhu for putting together the example and to Hillary Harrison-Graeme for sending it to me along with the SQL Split function.

This column types allows users to select multiple options from a drop down in a grid

You create a Check box list in a very similar way to a drop down BUT it cannot have a default value or be turned into an Auto complete drop down.

Select CheckboxList from the column options as shown below

The selectable options in the list can be set up using a SQL Query or by specifying a static list of items (highlighted in Green above), in the same way as a drop down.

The difference comes in when you save the selected items. Stadium generates a semi-colon separated list of values. You can use SQL, Linx or any other suitable tool to split this list into the individual values. The example below uses a Split function in SQL to do this work. The Split function is here: SQL Split function. As with a drop down you can work with either the SelectedValue or the SelectedText of the list.

We now have a SQL sample to split the values. So who is going to produce a Linx sample that can also do it?