Friday 20 October 2017

Stadium 5.8.1985.6160 is now available

We are releasing our first version of the Web Api that will simplify integrating the user database with other systems. On top of this, there are many other added features and improvements.

The features I want to draw your attention to in this version are:
  • Web Api

    Access and manage users of generated applications via a REST web api. To see more on this, generate an application and visit the API menu of the Admin section in the browser.
  • More powerful Image control

    The image control can now display images straight from a database or get an url to an image using datasources, settings, page parameters or expressions. Best of all, the control can be accessed from inside of a script allowing you to dynamically change which image is displayed without the need to renavigate to the page.
  • 'Google-like' file upload

    Upload multiple files at once by selecting them from a file selector or by dragging them straight into the box. They will immediately start uploading without the need to press the upload button.
  • New action: Call script

    Call other scripts from within a script. You now have the ability to break big unwieldy scripts into smaller more concise scripts and invoke them when needed. Creating smaller scripts leads to more readable and understandable applications as they grow bigger.
  • Improvements to the Tables & Views pane of a Query

    Quickly generate CRUD queries by making use of our generator. Do this by right clicking on a table or view and choosing between a Select, Insert, Update or Delete statement. Changes have also been made to enhance both usability and the performance of this pane.
  • Lists can now be set using JSON

    The items for any list control, i.e. CheckBoxList, RadioButtonList or Dropdown, can now be set by assigning a JSON object to the Options property. This simplifies reuse of lists across controls.
  • More wide-spread use of expressions on actions

    Expressions proved to be so useful on the SetValue action, that we decided to make them available to all actions.

Please download this latest version and let us know what you think! Other added features and bug fixes are listed below.


  • Allow a Query to execute CREATE PROCEDURE
  • All controls should have a Visible Property
  • Change email to be the username of a user
  • SetValue should allow column mapping when setting DataGrid.Data
  • Allow assigning a query with output parameters to a control or action
  • Connections and Queries: Always test/execute through the service in the Designer
  • In the Menu Control: Order the pagenames in the Destination Page dropdown of the MenuItem
  • Change all boolean values from True/False to true/false
  • Remove the .NET Framework 3.5 dependency


  • DataGrid search fails when searching for dates
  • Pasting an action should select that action afterwards
  • Do not allow tabbing into the texbox on the canvas
  • Controls should be highlighted when their properties show
  • Oracle should allow defining parameters with @
  • A control cannot be dragged onto the canvas immediately after creating a new application
  • Application Explorer loses focus after selecting a page, script, template, query or stored procedure
  • No-typing ReferenceCombobox does not grab focus when dropped down
  • ReferenceComboBox incorrectly changes the property description on the PropertyGrid
  • Fonts missing from themes folders
  • Uninstall does not remove Stadium from the StartMenu of Windows
  • ODBC and Oracle render illegal column names
  • Control loses focus after moving it on the canvas
  • Edge reports 404 when fetching the generateSourceMap file
  • Float icon overlaps tab when making the pane very narrow
  • DataGridColumn renames header text when changing
  • DataGridColumns across separate DataGrids can be selected simultaneously
  • Tab stops with parameters in the Property Grid are incorrect
  • Error page image is being cut-off
  • Validations DropDown in the Property Grid allows moving through items with up and down arrows
  • AutoMapping of fields for MySQL does not happen
  • Horizontal Scrollbar is in the middle of the dropdown of the ReferenceComboBox
  • Admin section does not populate the Page property on the Access Denied error page
  • When all submenu items are unaccessible, hide the top level item
  • Executing a stored proc via a query lists the parameters of the stored proc as parameters to the query
  • DataSource toolbar menu does not highlight the submenu hovering over
  • Tab order is not correct for the properties of the TextBox
  • When opening the Stadium Designer, an exception is thrown if access is denied to the pc's environment properties
  • Exception thrown when pasting an action on the page canvas
  • The latest styles and scripts are not used on applications created on Stadium 5.7 and then upgraded to Stadium 5.8
  • When dragging a table, view or column into a query below the sql text, a No-entry icon is shown
  • Do not ask to remember the password when creating a windows authenticated admin user
  • Prevent update queries being assigned as datasource for datagrids
  • Property dropdown does not close when tabbing between programs
  • Cannot call methods on References in the Expression Editor
  • Tables & Views cannot be retrieved for example database, Wide Wolrd Importers
  • Update PropertyGrid when adding or removing MenuItems on the canvas
  • Image on the ErrorPage jumps to the left of the text at a certain width
  • Do not allow Expressions on control properties
  • DataGrid column not updating property grid when Database was selected
  • ReferenceComboBox throws NullReferenceException in certain scenarios
  • The Help file menu remains highlighted after the dialog closes
  • DataGrid did not resolve fields correctly with spaces in the name
  • 'Internal Server Error' exception occurs when testing the database connection

Thursday 19 October 2017

Stadium 4.2.2833.6157 is available

Stadium 4.2.2833.6157 is available for download from the Twenty57 website. It contains the following bug fixes:
  • GridIterator CheckBoxList variable not returning a value (Zendesk #2874)