- Navigate to other sap file from the Navigate to Page action - read this Zendesk KB article for details on how to do it
- Set a Session parameter on menu navigation. This should be particularly useful for setting source SAP and Page names when navigating to another SAP File - read more here
- New System Variable - CurrentApplicationName
- Validations can now be added to Data Input Fields and linked to any button on the page for execution - more details here
- Data Input Drop Down Field has new properties IsRequired and IsRequiredInitialValue - these work the same way as the IsRequired properties on the DetailsView control. See more info here
- Select All option on Checkbox columns in a Data Grid
- Read only value now honoured on a Checkbox Field in a Details View in Insert Mode
- Stadium 4 now supports calling and executing a Linx 5 process - read more on calling Linx from Stadium here
- Better management of roles and access rights when an application is uploaded or the roles are edited - the roles and access rights only change if they are directly edited, not every time the Application is uploaded or saved as was previously happening
- User Last Logged In Date not working with Windows Authentication
- Site Admin Roles hidden on the Edit User screen if no Global Application Access Roles were configured
- Drop down change event not always firing - JavaScript error
- JavaScript undefined error on combo boxes
- Fading label changing the position of the other controls on the page when it fades completely